It's a fact that the best way to make money online is to sell your own product. While many potential Internet marketers have great ideas for products, fulfilling those orders can sometimes be challenging. Shopping carts, PayPal, digital downloads, shipping - all of these details can really get in the way of the real important things like product development and marketing.

Kunaki artwork

To the rescue come two services that are proven, reliable ways to automate and streamline your product delivery. First, there is E-Junkie. E-Junkie is a comprehensive e-commerce service that allows you to deliver digital and physical products easily and with professionalism. With literally endless customizations, E-Junkie lets you:

Accept payments from PayPal, Google Checkout, ClickBank and more
Deliver digital products securely so they won't be shared
Give the user a rich, seamless experience
Offer a built-in affiliate program
Track sales and customers with excellent reporting features
While digital downloads are the most popular type of products to sell with E-Junkie, physical products can be sold as well. E-Junkie has an excellent shipping calculator and shopping cart that is a snap to integrate into any type of web site.

One type of physical product many marketers overlook is the CD/DVD product. With CD's and DVD's, you can offer much more content to your customer than you could with simple digital downloaded products. Also, did you know that the refund/return rate for physical products like DVD's is much lower than for digital products?

DVD products can also be sold on the Amazon marketplace and eBay, giving you more outlets to sell your products. You don't have to inventory DVD's anymore either - there is a great service that allows you to sell your DVDs and CD's and have them manufactured on demand, when the customer orders!

Kunaki is the name of the revolutionary service - and it's changing the way many marketers do business. With a completely automated interface, Kunaki is more like a machine than a company. You can create your disc content, upload it to Kunaki, and they will manufacture a very high quality disk, shrink wrapped in a case, with the artwork of your choice on the packaging and the disk. It's really an amazing service. The best feature is that the cost is very low per unit - and you only pay as you get orders.

Break out of your Internet Marketing rut this year - create your own product and use these services to make your business automated and professional.

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